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dc.contributor.authorВовкогон, Аліна Григорівна-
dc.contributor.authorVovkohon, Alina-
dc.contributor.authorМерзлов, Сергій Віталійович-
dc.contributor.authorMerzlov, Serhii-
dc.identifier.citationВовкогон А.Г. Збереження Йоду адсорбованого на різних носіях впродовж місячного терміну зберігання / А.Г.Вовкогон, С.В.Мерзлов // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2013 .- Вип.10(105) .- С. 83-85.uk_UA
dc.descriptionHigh productivity of agricultural animals and poultry, quality and their competitiveness of products and prophylaxis of different diseases are based on feeding. Unbalanced diets of biologically active substances including iodine don’t guarantee essential birds’ productivity and resistance. Iodine is constantly present in animal and plant tissues in the quantity from thousand to million parts of percent. The main quantity of iodine is concentrated in the thyroid gland in the content of tyroxine and triiodtiranine hormones. Iodine takes part in the regulation of oxidation processes, regulates warmth production, increases activity of ferments, takes part in the synthesis of protein in the cells and breath ferments, stimulates erythropoesis, leucopoesis, trothic and immune processes, secretion func-tion of digestion gland. Iodine deficiency in the fodders leads to enlarge of gland connecting tissue which results in it’s dys-function. Agricultural poultry is very susceptible to the iodine deficiency in the fodders. All disorders of metabolism due to iodine deficiency leads to decrease in productivity and resistance of the organism. Rations with balanced iodine for agricultural animals and poultry is made by the way of using premixes, in the content of which the element occurs as potassium iodine, potassium iodine oxide and sodium iodine. Iodine, used in the practice of feed production and husbandry, as a rule is unstabilized, that is why it has ability to eliminate into the environment very fast. In the conditions of the department laboratory of technology and processing of animal products and fodders production of BilaTserkva National Agrarian University, the iodine feed additives were designed with adsorbent on modified saponite (CM50-CM100) and biomass of hydrolyzed yeast (БД50-БД100). Before using new feed additives some model and laboratory experiments were conducted for defining stability during its storage. Additives containing iodine were storing in the closed container which doesn’t let direct solar light, at temperature 18-22 degrees Centigrade. Periodically after 15 and 30 days after production and packing, the samples were taken and investigation was conducted to identify iodine mass. In feed additives (CM50) with the initial iodine content of 50 mg/g of modified saponite conservation of the element after 30 days of storage was on the level of 100%. The same results of investigation were obtained with feed additives in which the initial iodine content was 80 mg/g. There were no changes stated in the concentration of iodine in the additives CM100 after 30 days of storage. Thus, it was experimentally proved that iodine, adsorbed on modified saponite after 30 days of storage doesn’t eliminate into the environment. In the additives (БД50) where base concentration on iodine in the beginning of production was 50 mg/g, after 30 days of storage changes of the element content were not noticed. There were no differences in the concentration of iodine in the feed additives with the initial content of the element 80 mg/g. It was experimentally proved that in the additives with the content of iodine 100mg/g elimination of the element occurs. Concentration on the 30th day of storage decreased by 0,9%. This may be explained that 100 mg/g is a large doze for biomass of hydrolysis yeasts. That is the part of iodine doesn’t adsorb on the surface of the carrier.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ умовах лабораторії кафедри технології переробки продукції тваринництва та виробництва комбікормів Білоцер-ківського національного аграрного університету було сконструйовано йодовмісні добавки, де елемент адсорбовано на модифікованому сапоніті та біомасі гідролізних дріжджів. У модельних дослідженнях вивчали показники збереження Йоду у сконструйованих добавках. Встановлено, що адсорбований на модифікованому сапоніті Йод за місячного зберігання не елімінується у навколишнє середовище. У добавках на основі біомаси гідролізних дріжджів з умістом Йоду 100 мг/г елімінація елементу впродовж 30 діб збе-рігання досягає 0,9 % від загальної його кількості.uk_UA
dc.publisherБілоцерківський національний аграрний університетuk_UA
dc.subjectадсорбований Йодuk_UA
dc.subject1% розчин крохмалюuk_UA
dc.subjectрозчин соляної кислотиuk_UA
dc.subjectсапоніт модифікованийuk_UA
dc.subjectбіомаса гідролізних дріжджівuk_UA
dc.subject1 % starch solutionuk_UA
dc.subjecthydrochloric acid solutionuk_UA
dc.subjectmodified saponiteuk_UA
dc.subjectbiomass of hydrolysis yeastsuk_UA
dc.titleЗбереження Йоду адсорбованого на різних носіях впродовж місячного терміну зберіганняuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeConservation of adsorbed iodine on different carriers during monthly storageuk_UA
dc.identifier.udc577.118: 549.73uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації

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