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dc.contributor.authorKhakhula, Bogdan-
dc.contributor.authorХахула, Богдан Валерійович-
dc.contributor.authorSvynous, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorСвиноус, Іван Вікторович-
dc.identifier.citationKhakhula B. Pig breeding in Ukraine: current state and problem solving / B. Khakhula, I. Svynous // // The Scientific Journal of Cahul “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” State University Economic and Engineering Studies. – №. 2 (2). – 2017. – P. 84-93.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the issues of pig breeding production development in Ukraine as the basis for efficient and competitive functioning of commercial pig breeding. According to the study results, agricultural production reformation as well as changes in ownership patterns and other causes contributed to significant losses in swine industry, which also negatively affected the efficiency of breeding farms - breeding stock-rearing farms - and, in particular, the nucleus. It has been established that a significant factor that caused the decline in pig breeding is the fact that most large-scale farms of the industry are oriented to purchase breeding stock of foreign selection. It is proved that our state needs to change a number of aspects, ranging from the legislation to functions division (between the state and producers), in order to reach the world level with its own pedigree stock. The priority directions of scientific support for the development of breeding and breeding work should be: conducting (realization) purposeful veterinary-protective activity, in particular developing the requirements to biosafety and the Ukrainian identification system that will be able to control swine breeding; development and improvement technology of breeding, industrial and small-scale growing and feeding of animals; amplification of pig breeding base by creating new meat production farms; improvement of pig breeds by using the world's best genetic resources, optimizing the variety of animals’ breed of based on the best domestic and foreign breeds; providing productivity test with piglet; creation of new allowance and feeding technologies.uk_UA
dc.subjectpig breedinguk_UA
dc.subjectUkrainian pig breeders associationuk_UA
dc.subjectАсоціація свинарства Україниuk_UA
dc.titlePig breeding in Ukraine: current state and problem solvinguk_UA
dc.title.alternativeСвинарство в Україні: сучасний стан та вирішення проблемuk_UA
dc.identifier.udc338.43 (477)uk_UA
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