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Title: Використання верби (Salix L.) і тополі (Populus L.) у квітковому аранжуванні
Other Titles: Using willow (Salix L.) and poplar (Populus L.) in flowers arranging
Authors: Іщук, Любов Петрівна
Ishchuk, Lubov
Keywords: стиль;style;композиція;composition;ікебана;ikebana;каркасний букет;bouquet on carcass;плетіння;wicker;вигонка;forcing
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Національний дендрологічний парк "Софіївка" НАН України
Citation: Іщук Л.П. Використання верби (Salix L.) і тополі (Populus L.) у квітковому аранжуванні / Л.П. Іщук // Автохтонні та інтродуковані рослини. - 2017. - Вип. 13. - С. 21-28.
Abstract: У результаті проведеного аналізу з’ясовано, що в квітковому аранжуванні використовуються як найбільш поширені види та гібриди верби і тополі, які зазвичай ростуть поряд із житлом: Salix alba L., S. triandra L., S. pentandra L., S. caprea L., S. cinerea L., S. purpurea L., S. viminalis L., S. ×fragilis L., S. alba ‘Vitellina pendula’, S. alba × S. matsudana Koidz., Populus nigra L., P. tremula L., P. alba L. так і менш поширені інтродуценти та сорти S. matsudana ‘Tortuosa’, S. integra ‘Hakuro-nashiki’, S. miyabeana Seemen, S. alatavica Kar. ex Stschegl., S. udensis Trautv. & C.A. Mey., S. eleagnos Scop. і гібридні тополі. При складанні флора- і фітокомпозицій з участю верби і тополі використовуються натуральні живі і законсервовані пагони для формування точкових, лінійних паралельних і вертикальних композицій, створення каркасних букетів і композицій у кошиках та «болотного», «прибережного» і «лісового» мікроландшафтів у фітодизайні закритого середовища.
Description: Ukrainian floristic traditions have long history. However, purely Ukrainian plants like daisies, sunflowers, willows, viburnum and others are popular in modern compositions trends. It is polymorphic families plants of willow (Salix L.) and poplar (Populus L.) that deserve special attention due to their universal economic value. Some ways to use willows wickering are widely developed and studied. However, their using in flower arrangement remains fragmented and incomplete as well as the information on willows and poplars assortment, styles and methods of their compositing is not completed. The aim of the research is to analyze the taxonomic composition of species of genera Salix L. and Populus L. and ways of their use in floral arranging. In the course of the research we have analyzed the flower arrangements created with using willows and poplars, which were presented at the Annual International Exhibition of Flower Business, Horticulture, Landscape Design and Floristry «Flower Expo Ukraine» founded in 2006. We have created our own compositions using the by recommendations of T. Lokrina, A.E. Myshukova, M.A. Sidorova, D.G. Hessayon. A. Grachov’s recommendations were used in the compositions placement in the environment floristic. When creating carcass bouquets and decorative baskets weaving we used recommendations by A. Mozgova, C. Hernandez, E. Pascual. The analysis has found out that among the most common species used in flower arrangement are kinds and hybrids of willows and poplars usually growing nearby the houses, such as: S. alba L., S. triandra L., S. pentandra L., S. caprea L., S. cinerea L., S. purpurea L., S. viminalis L., S. ×fragilis, S. alba ‘Vitellina pendula’, S. alba × S. matsudana Koidz., P. nigra L., P. tremula L., P. alba L. and less common S. matsudana ‘Tortuosa’, S. integra ‘Hakuro-nashiki’, S. miyabeana Seemen, S. alatavica Kar. ex Stschegl., S. udensis Trautv. & C.A. Mey., S. eleagnos Scop., S. lapponum L., S. starkeana Willd. and hybrid poplars. Usually willows and poplars are used to make spring compositions that make up free, classical European or rustic style as well as ikebana. Composition style depends on its functionality. Sprouts obtained by forcing are used in the arrangement. The branches of these species can be subjected to crystallization, and their leaves can undergo skeletonization to create dry compositions. Phytocompositions and microlandscapes with willows and poplars features in closed phytodesigne environment can be mainly used in compositional interior, as a natural backdrop for decorative or monumental arts; additional feature of architectural and spatial design method, a focus in the variable exposure. In a closed environment near minipools, fountains, waterfalls, exhibitions sculpture, in hallways, lobbies, train stations where «swamp», «coastal» and «forest» microlandscapes with dwarf willows in containers are used. In our view, willows and poplars types and forms can perform structural (basic), accentual and auxiliary functions in their purpose in the middle of a phytokomposition. Thus, while making flora-fitocompositions featuring willows and poplars natural and preserved live shoots are used for the formation of point, line and parallel vertical compositions, as well as for creating a bouquet on carcass and baskets arrangements of «swamp», «coastal» and «forest» microlandscapes.
ISSN: 2220-1114
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 635.92:582.681.81
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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