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Title: Підбір оптимальної закваски за біотехнології нового кисломолочного напою – йогурту
Other Titles: Selection of starter cultures with yogurt as a new fermented milk drink
Authors: Мерзлов, Сергій Віталійович
Merzlov, Serhii
Сніжко, Ольга Олегівна
Snizhko, Olha
Keywords: закваска;Str. thermophilus;Lbm. acidophilum;Lbm. bulgaricum;йогурт;мед;пилок;маточне молочко;органолептичні показники;кислотність;dairy starter cultures;yogurt;honey;pollen;royal jelly;organoleptic;acidity
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Мерзлов С.В. Підбір оптимальної закваски за біотехнології нового кисломолочного напою – йогурту / С.В.Мерзлов, О.О.Сніжко // Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: збірник наукових праць .- Біла Церква: БНАУ, 2013 .- Вип.10(105) .- С. 76-80.
Abstract: Висвітлені результати біотехнологічних досліджень підбору комбінованої закваски для нового кисломолочного напою – йогурту з продуктами бджільництва. Сквашування нормалізованого за жиром молока із умістом продуктів бджільництва проводили декількома видами бактеріальних заквасок, а саме: LactococcusLactissubsp. lactis (Lac. lactis), Streptococcusthermophilus (Str. thermophilus), Lactobacterium delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricum (Lbm. bulgaricum), Lactobacterium acidophilum (Lbm. acidophilum) та їх комбінації. Отримані дані дали змогу визначити можливість співіснування декількох штамів мікроорганізмів в одній заквасці та вплив цього симбіозу на якість ферментованого молочного продукту. Дослідження показали, що кисломолочний напій з додаванням продуктів бджільництва відзначається найкращими органолептичними показниками тоді, коли титрована кислотність знаходиться в межах від 90 до 100 °Т.
Description: Cultured milk products take one of the leading places in the food hygiene of a modern human being, with yogurt being especially famous. Yogurt can be made from milk of any fat content but in order to be called “light” or “fat-free,” yogurt is to have relevant fat content. If powered milk products containing probiotic bacteria are to be supplied for developing countries the potential benefits of controlling intestinal infections and improving nutrient (primarily lactose) utilization should be considered. To achieve this, one may require providing for more than one strain and/or species of probiotic bacteria in the product. One strain of one species should not necessarily be expected to provide for more than on benefit. The culture(s) should be selected on the basis of their ability to provide the desired result. It also must be stable during drying and storage in the milk powder. This might be accomplished using the existing cultures or this may involve the need to isolate and develop new strains. The biggest challenge will ensure stability during storage of the dried product. The increase of yogurt consumption in the Ukrainian market of cultured milk foods is the highest among dairy products. Among the wide variety of yoghurts those with synthetic or unnatural ingredients are dominating. Artificial fillers, stabilizers, thickeners, etc. reduce the value of natural products. In the dairy industry, we have known for many years that there was variation among strains and species of starter culture bacteria with regard to their ability to produce the desired changes in the milk being fermented. Thus, it should not be surprising that there would be variation among strains and species of probiotic microorganisms with regard to their ability to produce inhibitory action toward pathogenic microorganisms. Furthermore, we should not expect one strain or species of probiotic microorganisms to provide all of the potential benefits that might be possible from con-sumption of these organisms. It is important to create yogurt that would have high consumer properties through the use of only natural ingredients. The analysis of recent studies has shown that this goal can be achieved by proper selection of cultures of lactic acid bacteria which are part of the leaven. It would be reasonable to use bee products as natural ingredients. The published works mention that there are termed yogurts, frozen, in desserts, etc. And the basis for these can be not only cow's milk, but also buffalo’s, camel’s milk and soy. Bee products as carbohydrate-vitamin filler were used for the dairy product "Medoc", butter, curd cheese desserts, yogurt. In our study we are working on selecting a combined leaven for a new dairy drink – yoghurt with bee products. In conclusion, we have soured normalized fat milk using several types of bacterial leaven cultures. Namely: Lactococcus Lactis subsp. lactis (Lac. lactis), Streptococcus thermophilus (Str. thermophilus), Lactobacterium delbrueckii subspecies bul-garicum (Lbm. bulgaricum), Lactobacterium acidophilum (Lbm. acidophilum) and their combinations. Bee products were added to properly-prepared milk-based products on the technological stage in accordance with the spec-ification. As a result lactic acid clusters were obtained, which was assessed by the increase of acidity and organoleptic charac-teristics. The data obtained enabled us to determine the possible coexistence of several strains in one starter and the impact of this of symbiosis on the quality of fermented milk product. In our opinion, it would be advisable to build the leaven so it could include three strains of microorganisms, in particular Str .thermophilus, Lbm. acidophilum, Lbm. bulgaricum, because they had the best organoleptic characteristics. The studies have shown that milk drinks with added bee products have the best organoleptic characteristics with titrated acidity in the range from 90 to 100 ° T. The dynamics of acidity increase in yogurts with addded honey, beeswax, pollen and royal jelly within a certain souring period using different leavens has shown that samples with three-strain leaven have the most uniformly increasing acidity. Str. thermophilus is a relevant dairy starter microorganism used for the manufacture of fermented milks and cheese. These species belong to the genus Streptococcus, a taxonomical unit which includes pathogenic and oral streptococci. Since Str. thermophilus is an exception in this genus, for its relevant role as industrial and food organism. The taxonomy of Str. thermophilus has been quite controversial, it has been considered a subspecies of Str. thermophilus and more recently this species has been revived on the basis of molecular taxonomy. Str. thermophilus is widely used as starter cultures for cheese and fermented milk. The biology of this microorganism is well known and three different genome sequences are available. Str. thermophilus is consumed in large quantities in cheese and fermented milks by people of all ages, ethnic groups and various health state with no apparent health deterioration. These species have generally been considered to be non-pathogenic, with no safety concerns observed. Although there are few reports on the antibiotic resistance/susceptibility in S. thermophilus, the acquired resistance genes have been detected in these species. Thus, genetic determinants for tetracycline tet(S) and erythromycin erm(B) resistance were detected in dairy strains of Str thermophilus. Further studies of bacterial cultures for a new dairy drink made it possible to establish that the recommended ratio of com-bined starter cultures Str. Thermophilus + Lbm .acidophilum + Lbm. Bulgaricum is as follows: 1:1:1.
ISSN: 2310-9289
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 637.146.34:638.167
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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