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Title: Multifunctional agriculture and its effect on rural territories development
Other Titles: Багатофункціональне сільське господарство та його вплив на розвиток сільських територій
Authors: Danylenko, Anatolii
Даниленко, Анатолій Степановивич
Sokolska, Tetyana
Сокольська, Тетяна Вікторівна
Yukhymenko, Petro
Юхименко, Петро Іванович
Lobunets, Viktoria
Лобунець, Вікторія Іллівна
Keywords: agriculture;сільське господарство;multifunctionality;багатофункціональність;food security;продовольча безпека;international trade;міжнародна торгівля;rural territories;сільські території;agrarian policy;аграрна політика;innovation activity;інноваційна діяльність;investment;інвестиції;rural development;розвиток сільської місцевості;regional coordination center;обласний координаційний центр
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Natl Acad Sciences Belarus
Citation: Danylenko A. Multifunctional agriculture and its effect on rural territories development / A. Danylenko, T. Sokolska, P. Yukhymenko, V. Lobunets // Известия Национальной академии наук Беларуси. Серия аграрных наук». -2019. - Том 57, № 3 . - С.277-285.
Abstract: The paper deals with the main conceptual approaches to the definition of agriculture multifunctionality, indicates positive changes towards multifunctionality of rural territories in Ukraine and substantiates the main restraining factors such as low level of innovation activity of economic entities operating in this sphere, related sectors of economy, moral ageing of social and communal infrastructure of the village, lack of relations with universities which are the main generators of knowledge. The paper proposes to establish the Regional Coordination Centers for Rural Development in the structure of the Agro-industrial Development Departments. The main function of the centers should be obtaining multifunctional agriculture due to interaction of enterprises and the state shifting the emphasis from production to rural development. It is noted that the establishment of such centers in the conditions of decentralization will allow ensuring interaction of enterprises, state and population and implementing properly multifunctionality of agriculture. It is proved that forming the conceptual foundations of rural development, it should be borne in mind that sustainable multifunctional development should be based on effective rural economy, extended reproduction of human capital and productive employment of rural population, on improvement of people's quality of life, rational use of natural resources and their reproduction.
metadata.dc.identifier.udc: 338.43
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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